One aspect of natural disasters, such as the current fires burning across Los Angeles, is the need for images of what was there before. Taking photographs has never been easier than it is today. No film, no waiting to get the pictures back. And yet how many of our pictures are meaningful? A potential research topic or writing prompt that touches on this theme is the work of Ansel Adams, American photographer and environmental conservationist. Much of Adams’ work is of plants, trees, or rock formations in National Parks, such as Yosemite or Glacier National Park. Connecting the work of Adams to current events, admiring the photographs as works of art, and examining the contributions of a photographer to American history and culture are all writing topics that students can delve into. Students can also be challenged to take pictures of trees, leaves, or rock formations near their homes in the style of Ansel Adams and draw comparisons between their image and his. Even in winter, beauty in nature abounds if only we can capture it.